IFCout-Cloud Help
IFCout Cloud is an add on to AutoCAD PLANT 3D, Advanced Steel and all other AutoCAD verticals to export drawings to IFC files. It exports plant components, structural members and native AutoCAD entities to IFC2x3 or IFC4 files. IFCout Cloud uses IFCout desktop generation engine and allows you to run the export outside of AutoCAD in a batch. The drawings to export can be on your local machine or on Autodesk Drive or Docs on the cloud. The generated IFC files can also be exported to your local machine or to the cloud. It also allows you to set up task schedules at certain times to run the export automatically and repeatedly.
Necessary Steps to run the app from scratch
1- You must have AutoCAD installed on your local machine with any of the following versions: 2025,2024, 2023, 2022 or 2021
2- To use the Cloud, you must map Autodesk Drive and/or Autodesk Docs to your local machine. for more information, visit:
3- You must be signed into your Autodesk 360 Account in AutoCAD.
4- For the first time you run the app on any computer, you must register your online user ID within AutoCAD. After installing IFCout Cloud, run AutoCAD and type in this command: MDCSETUSERID , a message will appear to confirm this registration.

When you run IFCout Cloud, the MAIN window appears as seen below:

The above windows shows the main user interface. The numbers shown represent a typical workflow. Other windows appear when you click certain buttons, such as 'Properties', 'Drawing List', 'Schedule' and 'Log File'. Each is discussed later. The following is a detailed description of each control as it is represented by a number in red.
1- Browse for the Working Folder, working folders hold all your defined and saved configuration files. A configuration file is a file that contains all information necessary to run the export batch. This information consists of the drawing files to export, the location of the output IFC files and some other options will be discussed next. It is crucial that you specify at least one working folder.
2- Working Folder path, displays the full path of the current working folder. This path is saved and is automatically displayed when you run the App unless you change it using the browse button to the right.
3- The latest AutoCAD Core Engine executable location on your machine is displayed.
You can change it to an earlier version.
4- The Version drop down lists IFCout Cloud versions.
Both AutoCAD and IFCout Cloud versions must match.
5- Units Multiplier: The conversion factor between the Drawing units to metric millimeter. If the drawing units is in inches then the factor should be 25.4 as an example.
6- Show Color: Specifies whether the original colors of the drawing entities are also exported along with the graphics.
7- Include AutoCAD entities: Specifies whether to export AutoCAD native entities such as lines, arc and solids as well.
8- Use Solid Meshing: Specifies whether to export all geometry as 3D mesh surfaces. If this option is unchecked, then IFCout Cloud will attempt to export Plant components as smooth surfaces for the most part, specially for standard pipes, elbows, tees, crosses, etc. However, for more custom complex shapes, it will automatically generate them as 3D mesh surfaces.
9- Combine into one IFC File: Specifies whether to export each drawing to its own IFC file OR, combine all drawings into one IFC file.
10- IFC version: Specifies the version of the exported IFC file format. It can either be IFC2x3 or IFC4.
11, 12, 13- Program Source: Specifies which AutoCAD vertical to use. If you select 11, the program runs AutoCAD PLANT3D. If you select 12, the program runs Advanced Steel. Finally if you select 13, the program runs plain AutoCAD. For option 13, any drawing can be specified to export whether it is plain AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil 3D, etc... However, only primitive AutoCAD entitles are exported along with any XDATA that are associated with them.
14- New Configuration: After you have specified all options above, now you can start creating export configurations. Clicking this button allows you to specify a new configuration name. This name must be unique for the current working folder. The following dialog box appears. A default name is given but you can change it.

15- Properties: Click this button to specify the data to be exported along with the geometry. Based on the Program source you selected, a different default properties appear in the following dialog box.
Properties for PLANT3D

The above dialog appears if you selected AutoCAD PLANT3D as a Program Source. It allows you to check or uncheck default PLANT3D properties. Any properties you have checked are exported along with the geometry. It also allows you to specify additional properties that are not displayed in the default properties list. Additional properties can also include XDATA definitions that are stored in the AutoCAD entities. You must click 'Save and Close' button in order to add these properties to the selected configuration. The Add, Modify and Delete buttons are used only for Additional Properties / XDATA.
Add button, Allows you to add new property / XDATA definition. Type in the definition name in the edit box shown above. This definition is then displayed in the 'Saved Additional Properties' list. The Modify button allows you to modify the selected definition name displayed in the list while the Delete button allows you to remove the selected definition name from the list.
Properties for Advanced Steel

The above dialog appears if you selected Advanced Steel as a Program Source. It allows you to check or uncheck default Advanced Steel properties. Any properties you have checked are exported along with the geometry. It also allows you to specify additional properties that are not displayed in the default properties list. Additional properties can also include XDATA definitions that are stored in the AutoCAD entities. You must click 'Save and Close' button in order to add these properties to the selected configuration. The Add, Modify and Delete buttons are used only for Additional Properties / XDATA.
Properties for Plain AutoCAD and other verticals

The above dialog appears if you selected AutoCAD / Others as a Program Source. It allows you to only add XDATA definitions that are stored in the AutoCAD entities. You must click 'Save and Close' button in order to add these properties to the selected configuration. The Add, Modify and Delete buttons are used as described above.
16- Drawing List: Click this button to specify the drawings to be exported. The following dialog box appears.

The above dialog allows you to add drawings to the current export configuration. It also allows you to specify the location of the exported IFC file as well as where the log files are to be located.
Browse to Selected Drawings: Click this button to navigate to where the drawing files are located. The drawings can be on your local machine or on the cloud. All drawings in the selected folder are then displayed in the 'Existing Drawings' list. You can navigate to several locations for each export configuration.
Add All: Once you have drawings selected, you can click this button to add all of them the 'Drawings to Export' list.
Add: Use this button to add selected drawings in the 'Existing Drawings' to 'Drawings to Exports' list.
Export all drawings in folder: Check this option if you want to export all drawings existing in every folder you selected during the time of executing the export process regardless of any selected drawings in the list.
IFC output Files folder: Browse to where the exported IFC files are to be located.
Log Files Path: Browse to where the export log files are to be located.
Remove All: Click this button to remove all drawings in the 'Drawings to export' list.
Remove: Click this button to remove only selected drawings in the 'Drawings to export' list.
Save and Close: Click this button to save all the changes you have made above in the current configuration.
17- Saved Configuration List: Lists all saved configuration in the current working folder.
18- Run Selected Configurations: Click this button to start the export process for the selected configurations.